Lensculture Portrait Awards 2021 "Editor's Pick"

Et af mine portrætter er blevet udvalgt i en af verdens største fotokonkurencer som “Editors’ Picks of Early Entries”.

I de sidste uger inden afslutningen udvælges 5 fotografer dagligt, så jeg har altså ikke vundet nogen pris eller noget, men alligevel stolt over at blive udvalgt og “showcased” i så fint selskab med andre spændende fotografers portrætter.

Billedredaktionen består af ret erfarne folk fra blandt andet National Portrait Gallery (London), New York Times, Italiensk Vogue, Vanity Fair, Spiegel og Paul Getty Museum. Så TUSINDE tak :-).

Lensculture er I øvrigt en rigtig god resource for dygtige og lærelystne fotografer, amatører som profesionelle, hvor der udover gode konkurencer og udstillinger også er gratis gode guides og artikler om fotografi og fotografering.

Agata and Marika photographed in the back yard of Landschaft Cafe at the 6th Vintage Photo Festival in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Agata and Marika photographed in the back yard of Landschaft Cafe at the 6th Vintage Photo Festival in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Her er teksten der fulgte med udvælgelsen.


The 8th annual LensCulture Portrait Awards aim to discover and reward more than 35 photographers around the globe who are making exceptional photographic portraits today.

These awards are open to photographers at all levels of experience, and all genres of portraiture are welcome — from professional studio shoots, to detailed environmental portraits, to casual candids. We’re open to all types of artistic approaches, too, including staged, fiction, fashion, metaphoric, self-portrait and conceptual work.

Winners will enjoy career-changing opportunities including exhibition in New York, extensive media coverage, cash prizes and more. Follow the link to meet our expert international jury and read about our free entry option for single image submissions.

Whether your portraits are traditional or eclectic, quirky or visionary — we want to see your work!

DEADLINE: 24 February 2021 — Enter your best portraits!


Editors’ Picks of Early Entries || LensCulture Portrait Awards 2021:

© Oleg Videnin @oleg_videnin

© VALTER DARBE @valterdarbe

© Alfred Ritter

© Manuel Mendoza @manuelmendoza_photography

© Peter Bjerg @peter_copenhagen

Visit www.lensculture.com/photo-competitions/portrait-awards-2021